It's Right There!OLI administers the Bio Lab concept to create opportunities to learn about the natural environment near us. The program has an intentional focus on locating, capturing (in pictures of course), and identifying the amazing world of nature that is literally right outside our door. We take great joy in opening the awareness of our participants to the fascinating organisms that often go unnoticed.
Search, Locate and TagWe start with a helpful indoor orientation that gives each participant the focus of the field work. We then head out into the field to begin the adventure! Group participants are given wire flags that are used as markers to tag observations that your Bio Lab will focus on and identify. When the mission is accomplished, all the markers are located and photographs are taken to capture the visuals needed for identification and upload to your Bio Lab.
We head back indoors and begin the next step in the process... |
Whats Next?
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BIO LAB: Single or Series????
Bio Labs are a great value and culminate in an educational and fun experience when scheduled for your class or group. But they also have an exponentially greater value when Scheduled in a Series. This is especially beneficial for classes or groups running on an academic calendar. When scheduled within an academic calendar year, your class or group can participate in a series of 3 Bio Labs during the Autumn, Winter and Spring seasons. Encountering your environment during each of these seasons, provides an amazing opportunity to track observations within a specific geographic boundary and make comparisons over time based on climate. The Bio Lab Series provides additional educational components, as well as increased excitement as your students look forward to their next Bio Lab excursion.
Click the button below to learn more about all the features, scheduling and pricing of a Bio Lab